Advantages of a tempered glass screen protector compared to a plastic protector.

 Are they more expensive than plastic screen protectors? Are they difficult to place? Do they protect my mobile screen more and better? Let's take a look at the reality behind tempered glass screen protectors.


The latest generation smartphones tend to incorporate increasingly larger screens and much thinner side frames, which inevitably exposes our phone to damage when it falls to the ground.


Screen protector manufacturers know this and have been forced to improve the product, achieving what we now know as tempered glass screen protectors.


These tempered glass screen protectors are the best ally for your phone as they offer you greater protection compared to conventional plastic protectors.


Advantages of a tempered glass screen protector compared to a plastic protector.


The protective tempered glass are chemically treated crystals and are much more resistant to knocks, falls and scratches plastic protectors. They also have anti-fingerprint technology that reduces the marks we leave when pressing the screen with our fingers.


When we put a tempered glass protector, we enjoy greater comfort when using the screen. It is much more pleasant to the touch than plastic and we can slide across the screen with greater smoothness.


Another advantage that we highlight is that they are easier to place than plastic protectors, being much more difficult for bubbles to form.


How do I install the tempered glass screen protector?


The steps to follow to place the tempered glass screen protector on your mobile would be like this:


1.-You must remove the case or cover that you have on your phone.

2.-Clean the screen well to remove any fingerprints or dirt. Most protectors come with a cleaning kit in their packaging.

3.-We remove sheet number 1 from the protector without touching it with our fingers and place the protector on the screen making sure that it does not protrude from any corner.

4.-With a chamois, gently displace any bubbles that may appear outward.

5.-Once the protector is in place, remove the sheet with the number 2 and we will have the screen protector perfectly placed on our mobile.


View complete range of screen protectors at
